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- Dear designer who seems to have it all
Dear designer who seems to have it all
This letter is for you
Hey reader,
I once again rebranded my newsletter introducing this cute font called Antisocial that I purchased on Etsy — I’m obsessed!
But there’s something else I wanna talk about today. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of chatter in the design community about salaries. The hot topic in 2021! Still, navigating UX salaries can still feel like navigating a labyrinth. That’s why I didn’t title this newsletter “how to make 6 figures salaries as a product designer” or “why I left my $200k product design job at Google”. It’s not helpful and who cares!?
Don't get me wrong, fair compensation is important, but there’s no limit to how much you can make as a designers and obsessing over the unlimited earning potential you could actually make, will end up making you feel pretty uncomfortable and unhappy with your salary.
Dear designer who seems to have it all,
As a mid-level designer, you’re pretty comfortable with your salary, but you could increase it by 20% if you strive to become a senior at your company.
However, what about changing company instead? You could potentially pocket an additional £40k by securing an opportunity at that startup which also offers stock options.
Fast forward, now you've enjoying the title of senior designer and you're earning a respectable £80k. But hold on, did you know there's a competitor willing to pay £20k more for the same role? It might be worth considering.
But wait, there's more to consider. Imagine stepping into management. Not only could you have a bigger impact on your company, but your income could double! Yes, double! Get that managerial role before your colleague does.
Now you’re managing 5 designers, making as much as both your two best friends salaries combined, three times over.
Hey, have you heard about designers like you ditching their corporate jobs to venture into entrepreneurship? With your skills, you could potentially make seven-figure. Not six, SEVEN!
Your mind races with possibilities. Perhaps starting a bootcamp, opening a community, advising other designers, or even launching your own design agency. Or maybe even all of the above!
Fast forward to the present, and you find yourself thriving as a design entrepreneurs and investor. Now you make so much money you can afford to buy whatever you want. However, you’re too busy to enjoy your wealth and your job is your biggest passion anyway. You have a team of 10 running your bootcamp and another ten building websites. This allows you to spend your time mentoring designers and advising startups. You finally made it!
But what's next? Now what?
I used to compare myself to other designers, thinking they had it all. Good for ‘em! But the truth is, nobody has it all. You can endlessly chase success and wealth till retirement, or you can simply appreciate what you already have. The second road is the easiest, but because of the competitive nature of our jobs, it’s often the hardest.
Do you agree?